amplified collaboration - reach the community

organized protest - getting heard by the world

independent business - product launch + support

group action - confederate buying + team trading

"Many of the issues at the heart of computational propaganda – polarization, distrust or the decline of democracy – have existed long before the Internet. The co-option of social media technologies should cause concern for democracies around the world – but so should many of the long-standing challenges facing democratic societies."

Samantha Bradshaw, Oxford University Computational Propaganda Research

"Manufacturing consent is a perennial evil. Corporate monopoly is a fact of free market capitalism."


focused group action

organized scheduled professional meme teams work, respond, pool in/out text

posting/responding/reaction scheduling plus algorithm amplification by others boosting you


  • online in tandem with RL action

  • managed messaging - target crossplatform

  • group multilocation protest events and coordination

  • loud public voice - high granularity private comms - yadda yadda

independent business - product launch + support

  • amazing new CBD product range, great invention, starting up voiceless and unknown.

  • evaluate advertised / simulated natural product related content

  • piggyback, gainsay, exposure, teamster campaigns.

  • 87% of countries use human-controlled accounts

  • 80% of countries use bot accounts

  • 11% of countries use cyborg accounts

  • 7% of countries use hacked/stolen accounts

  • 71% of these accounts spread pro-government or pro-party propaganda

  • 89% attack the opposition or mount smear campaigns

  • 34% spread polarizing messages designed to drive divisions within society

  • 75% of countries used disinformation and media manipulation to mislead users

  • 68% of countries use state-sponsored trolling to target political dissidents, the opposition or journalists

  • 73% amplify messages and content by flooding hashtags

group action - confederate buying + team trading

  • The Confederacy of Chuds

  • comparison of disorganized v organized confederation with/without algorithm simpatico system.

  • KPI/bell curve to J-curve differentials

  • Scheduling + algorithm amplification + boost confederating + reactive pooled time + authority non-automated ubiquity

"The use of computational propaganda to shape public attitudes via social media has become mainstream, extending far beyond the actions of a few bad actors. In an information environment characterized by high volumes of information and limited levels of user attention and trust, the tools and techniques of computational propaganda are becoming a common – and arguably essential – part of digital campaigning and public diplomacy."

Philip N. Howard, Oxford University Computational Propaganda Research